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Erectile Dysfunction Problem : Dr Vinod Raina Sexologist

Erectile dysfunction ( ED) is a disorder in which a the person can not sustain an erection strongly sufficiently for sex.  An individual with ED is unable to achieve and sustain sufficiently erection to allow sexual activity to be satisfactory. Often erections are not usually a big issue, however, if the instability occurs for a longer period it may create issues with the marriages, tension,  or may affect self-confidence.
The individual with ED is influencing both physical and psychosocial wellbeing. Epidemiological reports indicate mild to extreme erectile dysfunction to about 5–20% of males. The occurrence disparities identified maybe because of methodological variation, social class differential, and demographic age of the studied groups.

Erectile signs of malfunction Erectile signs can be as follows: 
  • Continual difficulty in getting an erection
  • Difficulty in maintaining an erection
  • Reduced desire for sexual intercourse
Sexual attraction in men is a complicated process involving testosterone, brain, muscles, emotions. In determining the sequence of physical effects where an erection takes place, starting with sexual stimulation, the brain plays a significant function.  Erectile dysfunction may be the product of some issue linked to the above-described organ or disorders. Ed may also arise because of certain physical or psychiatric conditions. For starters, slight physical conditions that can slow down the sexual activity cause a man nervous for an erection.

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